Leeuwspruit Primary School
The most valuable awareness and insight I received in the Neuro-Coach Training was “Clean Language” and the Joy Habits of “Being your Word and Authentic Self” were my favourite tools.
The transformational shift I experienced was from seeing a problem to becoming aware and speaking about the challenge and thinking about it positively and taking positive action.
The Clean Language skills will help me in my interactions with the learners as children are all unique and each have their different learning styles and thinking processes.
The more positive thoughts they choose the easier it will be for them be more positive, to tackle their challenges and progress academically.
I experienced excellent learner’s involvement, clarity of subject matter and an excellent presenter. I love this course!
Chantel Lubbe
I have gained the insight and awareness that I have the ability to change my attitude.
I have had the transformational shift from being “mild” to being “hot”.
I have already used some of these techniques with “naughty” learners.
I have learnt that during my interaction with learners they must come to their own conclusions.
Wow! Extremely dynamic!
Riette Potgieter