Generation @ is a collaborative initiative supported by various stakeholders to utilize creative and innovative proven strategies to address a critical shortfall evident in the education system throughout Africa. The South African government in 2011 admitted that 70% of schools were dysfunctional. Discipline is a major problem in most of these schools, resulting in despondent teachers and non-performing learners. Add to this the ever evident skills shortage, severe unemployment and the world-wide economic downturn then the reality of a looming crisis is evident. A plea from the South African Education Department for private sector partners to present innovative solutions to these challenges resulted in the development of Generation @ by Lusa and Kairos Projects. Generation @ is a collaborative in-school initiative that utilises creative and innovative strategies to help transform schools. It is a holistic and multi-levelled programme that addresses many of the social and behavioural issues that ultimately impact learner success. The programme provides development opportunities for the principals, educators and learners as interventions are implemented at each level within the school structure. As the foundational intervention for the learners, Breakthrough is a peer facilitated (20-25 years of age) 12 week module that is an introductory leadership development programme for young people between the ages of 11 and 15 years of age. Inner visioning and Transformer programmes are facilitated with the principals and educators respectively. As a result the Generation @ programme becomes a solutions driven multi-facted approach to addressing the education crisis in our country. Since its inception Generation@ has raised over R10 million Rand, has trained or are training over 3 000 teachers, 80 principals and approximately 14 000 learners. Lusa Community Chest invites you to join us in raising the next Generation of Leaders
Generation @ is a collaborative in-school holistic and multi-levelled programme that addresses many of the social and behavioural issues that ultimately impact learner success.
We invite you to support Generation @ programme by sponsoring the programmes in schools of you choice/
For more information contact Alwyn Burger [email protected] 0169760933